W-41 t-shirts connect random people with you-把妹必備科技

If you’ve ever wished you could email a girl you thought was cute that you saw once in real life, you’ll like this new technology. W-41 allows for you to access the person’s facebook, myspace, blog or whatever else she has registered to this site. How it works is you would have to have the technology downloaded onto your phone, then when you see someone wearing the t-shirt with the logo you’d have to take a picture of it. Keep in mind you’d have to be close enough to do this.
If you want other people to be able to find you, you’d have to buy some of their clothing. They have three different shirts for guys and three for girls. One of the down sides is that yes, you could meet some new people this way, but you could also get a few creepy emails as well. There is also the annoying factor of knowing that someone is likely going to attempt to take your picture on their phone. Then if you don’t live in a large city, it’s highly unlikely anyone will know what the strange symbol on your back means. Either way, it’s still a cool way to meet new people. The shirts aren’t too expensive, but still a little pricey t-shirts are $49 and sweatshirts are $56. Thedownload for you phone is completely free though

如果你有這種經驗,那相信你一定愛死了這項新科技,W-41讓你可以取得她的facebook、myspace、部落格或者是任何她曾經註冊過的網站。怎麼做呢?首先,你必須在手機上下載w-41的程式,之後,當你在發現有人穿著這款有W-41 logo的衣服時,趕緊把logo拍起來!(注意,要在一定的近距離才有辦法拍成功。)


文章來源:cool buzz


We know they’re hitting the streets, and we’ve already seen some unboxing pics and a nasty gutting, but we felt we needed to give Sony’s new PSP-3000 the proper Engadget treatment. As you can tell by the photos, there’s not much new here, though as you should know, the guts are where it’s all going down (new screen, built-in microphone). Still it never hurts to take a close look at a shiny new toy… so enjoy yourselves in the gallery.

現在最夯的莫過於即將問世的PSP-3000,截至目前為止我們已經找到一些開箱照以及肢解圖,但我們深刻認為該給Sony PSP-3000一個癮科技式的對待。從照片上你可以清楚看到,PSP-3000和前代並無什麼大更動。ㄟ~眼尖的您應該會發現,PSP-3000換上新螢幕內建麥克風。反正挖這些新鮮玩意的消息永遠不讓您無聊…所以,沒事多看看吧! :mrgreen:


Today’s New Words:
hit the street -現正流行、發燒
going down -要你好看

9/6號techme: 3C換多P?沒問題!

9/6號很開心和老貓一起參加由15Fun 舉辦的Techme聚會,這次的主題是:
3C換P (別想歪! 就是以物易物拿你用不到的3C用品來換到你喜歡的3C產品拉!)


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