Sony在今年E3上發表了最新掌上遊戲機 PSP Go,這台尺寸大小約為PSP一半的PSP Go採用滑蓋式設計,配備 3.8 吋 16:9 液晶螢幕,已確認大小約為 128 x 16.5 x 69 mm,重量約 158 公克,並取消現有機種所配備的 UMD 光碟機,改為內建 16GB 快閃記憶體,透過 PlayStation Network 來下載遊戲與影音等數位內容。
標籤: PSP
市面上最便宜的遊戲機非NDSL莫屬! 不但網路上遊戲下載連結一大堆,這次還有玩家在硬體上做破解,而且還是超環保的硬體破解!
一名玩家替他的NDSL蓋子上加裝一塊 6x6cm的太陽能版,這個太陽能裝置能夠輸出高達6伏特的電,只要在陽光下,隨時隨地就可以替你的愛機充電。
Sony PSP可以更新5.03版的韌體摟!韌體更新讓系統更穩定固然是件好事,不過在此再奉上正妹圖一枚,瞧他深情款款的舔著PSP的模樣~~好想當那台PSP喔!
p.s: 這枚正枚Jessica Chobot也因為這張圖而走紅,甚至被英國雜誌選為百位女星之一!
How would you change Sony’s PSP-3000? 怎麼捨得放下PSP-3000呢
We first caught wind of a slightly revamped PSP months ago, and the long-awaited handheld — complete with a new, fancier and in some cases more dreadful display — finally hit US shelves this month. For those that picked one of these up and have spent some quality time digging into the latest firmware, how are you liking things? Particularly for those that upgraded, are you pleased with the new build? Are you being plagued with those mysterious screen problems features? Could you stand to see a few more things tweaked for the PSP-4000? We suspect there will be quite a few mixed messages flying in this one, so let’s get those comments rolling.
幾個月前才剛聽說PSP有些微的調整,現在期待已久的掌上機終於到手拉!全新、更酷炫並且更狂暴的畫面表現,終於於本月在美國上架拉。對於那些已經巴忘許久且已經耗費上許多時間在挖最新韌體的阿宅們,你們開心了嗎?尤其是那些一拿到手就馬上更新的傢伙們,對於新機種還滿意嗎?正為那些詭譎的螢幕問題功能而困擾著嗎?你們是否要抬起頭來看看未來將發行的 PSP-4000呢?我們大膽預料未來將有許多關於這些繪聲繪影的消息,管他的~就讓謠言滿天飛吧!
We know they’re hitting the streets, and we’ve already seen some unboxing pics and a nasty gutting, but we felt we needed to give Sony’s new PSP-3000 the proper Engadget treatment. As you can tell by the photos, there’s not much new here, though as you should know, the guts are where it’s all going down (new screen, built-in microphone). Still it never hurts to take a close look at a shiny new toy… so enjoy yourselves in the gallery.
現在最夯的莫過於即將問世的PSP-3000,截至目前為止我們已經找到一些開箱照以及肢解圖,但我們深刻認為該給Sony PSP-3000一個癮科技式的對待。從照片上你可以清楚看到,PSP-3000和前代並無什麼大更動。ㄟ~眼尖的您應該會發現,PSP-3000換上新螢幕內建麥克風。反正挖這些新鮮玩意的消息永遠不讓您無聊…所以,沒事多看看吧!
Today’s New Words:
hit the street -現正流行、發燒
going down -要你好看