The Mickey Mouse Version of Optimus Prime-科博文~不要忘了你的米奇老弟阿!


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Lego Safe – 積沙成塔,積木成…樂高保險箱!

總是有些怪咖可以利用樂高組合成各式各樣有趣的玩意兒,這回是小波許看了直呼可愛! 超可愛的樂高保險箱!

閱讀全文 Lego Safe – 積沙成塔,積木成…樂高保險箱!

Goldkey Personal Security Key-係金a! 金鑰匙真的是金的


閱讀全文 Goldkey Personal Security Key-係金a! 金鑰匙真的是金的

The Colour Phasing Shower Light-轉吧!七彩蓮棚頭!

The colour phasing shower light works exactly like the previous version but instead of featuring two colours, this new one features four, which lets you know the varying temperatures of the water.
Here’s the specs.
A shower head with a temperature controlled light so you need never burn your bottom again.
Easily installed – just screw it into any standard shower hose.
Temperature changes from green (when the temperature is less than 32C) to red (at more than 45C).
The phasing colours in between are blue, orange, purple and pink.
Water pressure should not exceed 5bar.
Avoid dropping the showerhead or striking it against hard objects.
Suitable for all ages (young children should be supervised).
Size: 24 x 8.5 x 7cm.

* 蓮棚頭溫度控制燈提醒你現在的水溫
* 安裝容易,只要把現有的蓮棚頭換下即可
* 溫度標示可以從32度(綠燈) 到45度(紅燈)
* 水壓不得超過5bar
* 避免碰撞
* 適合闔家使用
* 尺寸:24 x8.5 x7公分
小波許愛插嘴:這肯定是交通警察發明的!不過相信台灣汽車旅館應該會馬上跟進吧 😳


DSi四點全露! 開箱外流照~

DSi 的規格大家應該都不陌生了吧,厚度變薄 12%、取消 GBA 卡匣螢幕變大17%、、雙攝影鏡頭、音樂撥放功能、還有其他相對應線上商店服務。目前上市的僅有白色及黑色款式。



照片不是我喔!!!! 別誤會阿 👿

閱讀全文 DSi四點全露! 開箱外流照~

Mintpad: Passing notes goes digital -這年代誰還要玩傳紙條?!

The Mintpad is a curious little device. A tiny little screen that you carry around, it takes the age-old practice of passing notes into the digital realm. How is that different from texting or IMs? Simple — the Mintpad’s a tablet, letting you write directly on the screen with a stylus instead of using a keyboard. It doesn’t recognize handwriting, but it will send the original note, in full color and complete with bad penmanship, to your recipients via Wi-Fi.

The catch? You can send the notes only to other Mintpad owners. Still, it’s a fun feature on an otherwise everyday portable media player/Web browser/camera with 4GB of memory. Although the $156 Mintpad is only available in Korea, we wouldn’t mind seeing its abilities put into some kind of iPhone app.

Mintpad真的是一個發噱的新產品,超迷你的螢幕方便你帶著趴趴造,並且用最原始的手寫筆記方式輸入轉換成電子訊息。這和簡訊或即時消息IMs有啥不同呢?? 首先,平版記事本造型,讓你可以直接用觸控筆手寫(而非敲著超小的鍵盤慢慢打字)。沒有辨識文字的功能,而是直接將你寫的鬼畫符東西,經由Wi-Fi寄出去。

不過誰能收到呢? 你只能夠傳給和你同樣擁有Mintpad的使用者。但是這還是比其他日常攜帶的多媒體用品(MP3/web小型瀏覽器/相機)等來的新鮮多了。雖然價格不怎麼可愛(美金$156)且只在韓國上市,但我們衷心的希望這樣的功能在未來可以加在iPhone應用程式中。嘿嘿


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