把Wii大口吃掉- 巨型Wii遙控器蛋糕

上個禮拜,一個最幸運的9歲小男孩有個最棒的慶生會-他收到史上超大隻Wii遙控器蛋糕!由Schicks蛋糕坊的師傅Roshel Michaeli 製作的巧克力幕斯蛋糕,上面淋上的糖霜很巧妙的裝飾出按鈕等細節,甚至連底部的連接孔都做出來了!逼真度直達99%

閱讀全文 把Wii大口吃掉- 巨型Wii遙控器蛋糕

讓Wii + Google Map當你的任意門

自從Wii上市以來,終於可以讓整天窩在家的重度電玩迷們有運動的機會。日本的宅宅Ryo Katsuma最近做了個創舉,融合Google map 以及Wiimote (平衡板或手把皆可),讓你真的可以在「家」散步。

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Nintendo sees overseas DSi launch by next summer-DSi有望於明年夏季於美國上市

Nintendo’s tip-toeing around an overseas, US release date of its new DSi handheld has now been narrowed to the summer of 2009, according to president Satoru Iwata. That’s a whole lot better than “well into” 2009 if you ask us. Meanwhile, Japan gets theirs starting Saturday for ¥18,900 or about $192 tax-inclusive — that’s up from $178 earlier this month thanks to a skyrocketing Yen. Nintendo has already shipped 200,000 of the slimmer, dual-cam handheld consoles in preparation for weekend sales with another 100,000 planned for the following week. Clearly there’s no such thing as an economic slowdown in the land that Mario built.

根據總裁Satoru Iwata的說法,美國DSi將提前於2009年夏季上市。比先前說2009年上市,這個消息實在好太多啦!然而,日本上市時間則為本週六,價格在18,900日幣或美金192含稅,比這個月才178美元報價還要來的高。(因為最近日幣飆漲)。為了這周的首賣,任天堂已經鋪了20萬台更輕薄、雙攝影機的Dsi,並且於下周準備了10萬台備貨。這說明了在馬力歐一手打造的世界裡,沒有經濟不景氣這件事情。

小波許:那台灣上市日期呢QQ 會不會和wii一樣一拖再拖啊???!!! 💡


延伸閱讀:「粉新聞」新的玩具又來誘惑人~NINTENDO DSI -15Fun
