Dough-Nu-Matic rolls out mini doughnuts-迷你多拿滋! 好玩又好吃

一分鐘做Dounut! 好吃又好玩的Dough-Nu-Matic辦到了!這台全自動Dounut機從捏型、烤到出爐真的只要一分鐘,你就可以淋上自己想要的糖霜或糖漿並且享用你的Dounut饗宴。當然,你也可以去外面買現成的來吃,不過當你可以不費吹灰之力自己做熱騰騰香噴噴的甜甜圈時,你還會這麼想嗎?你所要做的就是把麵團放進去然後…坐著等就好啦!這台機器目前售價129.99美金,而且看起來!真的讓人食指大動!

Serve yourself up a piping hot doughnut in less than a minute! It’s almost as fun to watch the Dough-Nu-Matic as it is to eat the donuts! The Dough-Nu-Matic automatically forms, fries and drains delicious mini-doughnuts in under 60 seconds. After your donuts are finished top with your favorite sprinkles, frosting or powder! Sure you could just go to your local donut shop – but why?… when you can enjoy warm and delicious doughnuts at your fingertips! Just add dough, sit back and relax…. Dough-Nu-Matic’s on the job! It will retail for $129.99 and umm…Yummy!