哀奉台灣正式上市,你買了嗎? 如果買了的話,記得幫它套上可愛的保護套喔:)
這邊介紹Paul Frank的iPhone果凍套,超可愛又有型。
共有五種造型,分別是Paul Frank Julius、Paul Frank Julius Heart 以及Paul Frank Julius stripe,而特殊版(骷髏頭)的為Paul Frank Skurvy Guitar以及Paul Frank Skurvy Stripe每款要價$29.95美金,你可以在Apple Store上買到。
If your looking for a cool case for your 3G iPhone, then check out these new Paul Frank 3G iPhone Cases.
These new ones look even cooler than the previous Paul Frank iPhone cases, and come in 5 different styles.There are three Julius versions available, the Paul Frank Zoom Julius, Paul Frank Julius Hearts and the Paul Frank Julius stripe.
Other versions include the Paul Frank Skurvy Guitar and the Paul Frank Skurvy Stripe.
Each of these cool Paul Frank iPhone cases are available for $29.95 from the Apple Store.
剛差點為了這個保護套衝動去訂台 iPhone…. 😀