The Personal Soundtrack T-Shirt-讓你的T-shirt道出你的心理話

OK, 老愛搞怪的Think Geek又有新東西拉! 這次是會發出聲音的音響T-shirt!


你可以在Think Geek上買到這件T-shirt,要價美金39.99元(換算台幣約1,300)。
小波許有話要說:挖挖! 等於說買一件Stussy的錢,就可以買到這件T-shirt拉! 我要搶購拉~

The guys over at Think Geek are always coming up with new gadgets and gizmos, and one that they designed as an April fools joke, has had such a great response that it has become a real product, the Personal Soundtrack T-shirt.The Personal Soundtrack Shirt is an amazing new wearable audio solution that features a working speaker embedded into the front of the shirt. When you push the appropriate button on the pocketable remote you get music or sound effects appropriate for any situation… everything fromdrum roll, to cat call whistle, to western showdown.
The Personal Soundtrack T-Shirt is available for $39.99 from Think Geek.


在〈The Personal Soundtrack T-Shirt-讓你的T-shirt道出你的心理話〉中有 2 則留言

  1. 請問你有買嗎? 我買了之後不會洗ㄟ 我拆不下來@@

    喇叭接到開關那條黑白的線可以拔掉是嗎? 我不敢用力拔



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