送給女朋友最科技的聖誕節禮物! 這款很Anna Sui的USB隨身碟墜飾一定超適合的!
體積約 46 x44 x17 mm,2GB容量和可伸縮的USB連接器,要價約25美元。(約台幣850元)
小波許插嘴:當然送女朋友不能那麼小氣的拉! 至少還要在加個正版Anna Sui胭脂戒指組成一套才好阿!!! 嘿嘿
This fun USB gadget can be worn around your neck as a pendant, an ideal Christmas gift for your geeky girlfriend.
It comes with 2GB of storage and has a retractable USB connector, and measures 46 x 44 x 17mm.
The Black Rose USB Drive is about $25
文章來源:Geeky Gadget