The Apple Logo Apple’s-正港蘋果出產的蘋果

把蘋果貼紙貼在還掛在樹上的蘋果上會怎樣? 你會得到滿箱都是蘋果標誌的蘋果!

小波許碎念:well, 請認明蘋果標誌的蘋果,才是正港的蘋果!

What happens when you put some Apple stickers on some fruit, whilst it is still on the tree, you get these Apple’s with their very own Apple logo’s. These fun Apple’s were created by a Japanese Apple fan who decided to stick various Apple logo and iPod stickers on his apples whilst they were still on the tree, asthey rippened the logos were burnt into the apples by the sun.


在〈The Apple Logo Apple’s-正港蘋果出產的蘋果〉中有 4 則留言

  1. 你好 請問圖片的出處在哪邊呢?是否可以引用呢?在麻煩妳用mail回覆給我喔 3Q

    小波許回應:出處文章底下有寫喔! 歡迎引用喔


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