今日我最甜! Hershey’s巧克力USB

好啦,雖然這樣說,不過今天在看到知名巧克力公司Hershey’s (好時巧克力)最近出USB隨身碟的時候,心裡還是開心了一下!

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一起來當鑽石女郎吧!! Dimonds are 4ever!!!

相信99%的女生都看過紅磨坊吧,飾演女伶的Nicole Kidman在電影裡面唱道:「Diamonds are a girl’s best friend! 」。一點也沒~~錯,鑽石恆久遠,一顆永流傳。

閱讀全文 一起來當鑽石女郎吧!! Dimonds are 4ever!!!

Cafe Quelle 4Port USB Hub-喝咖啡配…usb hub??

Here are four stylish, new 4 port USB hubs from Sigma-Apo. Let’s define “stylish.” The idea here is a USB hub in the shape of a standard chocolate often provided with coffee.
I honestly would prefer a real chocolate over this thingy, but some people fancy these things. It measures 58x55x11mm at 30g.

什麼產品最有型有款?今天小波許又來介紹一款可愛又時尚的科技小物拉! 由sigma-Apo發表的Café Quelle usb hub,共有四個配色選擇。設計造型理念是來自於喝咖啡常搭配的巧克力。
不過老實說,我寧可要真正可以吃的巧克力,但總是有些人熱愛這些東西嘛!這小玩意體積58x55x11mm ,重量才30g呢!

小波許愛插嘴:我也比較想要可以吃的巧克力… 😳


new MicroSD card reader; go get it girls-粉3C是王道阿

Looking for the perfect gift for your girlfriend? Want to make her sing your praises? Then the new product by Greenhouse is just the perfect gift for your sweetie, a heart shaped, pink microSD card reader! This is one gadget girls simply must own. Not only does it let you flaunt your techno side, it also helps you look stylish and cool. So say good-bye to boring black and welcome the new color of technology, Pink! This cool card reader is compatible with microSD (2GB) and micrSDHC(8GB).

正在找尋最棒的禮物給心上人嗎?要她拿到後可以驚呼然後對你刮目相看嗎?Green House的這款新產品就是最讚的禮物拉!愛心形狀,粉紅色的microSD讀卡器!這絕對是女孩們一見就愛的小玩意。它不僅讓你走在科技的尖端,同時更能彰顯你可愛的流行品味。所以快告別你那些黑色平凡的讀卡機,並歡迎新分紅科技!這款卡哇依讀卡器與microSD (2GB)和micrSDHC(8GB)相容 。不幸的是很少人了解這個綠屋MicroSD卡閱讀器。

小波許愛插嘴:所以阿~男生送禮物指南一定要來問小波許的啊! 每天慎選1樣可愛好物! 包你把妹一定上勾阿!!


拜訪Green House:http://www.green-house.co.jp/news/2008/r1027a.html