
DJ Scratch文化從黑膠唱盤到CD片已經很久了,雖然許多DJ仍然享受玩黑膠唱片scratch (那樣真的超帥) ,不過現在你可以有別種選擇,跟上潮流,在iphone上玩scratch!

這款由日本人設計以及Delaware軟體公司合作推出的Record001應用程式,滿足了那些幻想在iphone即ipod touch玩刮盤的DJ們!

小波許愛插嘴:如果DJ Premier 用這個玩刮盤的話,我應該會尖叫到暈倒吧XD 帥阿!

As the club DJ transition from vinyl turntables to CD turntables to dual iPods has progressed audiences have become more accepting of the changing dynamic. But some DJs still long for the old school vinyl aesthetic. Japanese design and software group Delaware has unveiled a solution to remedy such longings called Record001 for the Apple iPhone and iPod Touch. The application allows you to backspin, pause and scratch records as you would with a tradition record player and even allows you to pick up and drop the needle anywhere on the record while it’s playing with complete accuracy.



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