這款名為「Home Chair」的概念運輸裝置,除了輪椅功能外,還加碼多一個可替換的行動馬桶。
小波許愛插嘴: 雖然這產品不確定何時量產,不過建議扁迷可以集資消費券幫他買一把。如此一來,扁扁可以移動自如,在不吃不喝但是卻還是得拉的情況下,這把椅子應該會讓他駕輕就熟。果然是一把好折凳阿!
Called the “Home Chair”, this futuristic transportation device “also can double as a toilet via a replaceable seatless cushion.” No word yet on if this concept will go into production.We can’t see how this toilet design is convenient though, unless, of course, you rode around in this wheelchair pantless.
您好~! 妞妞小姐