Goldkey Personal Security Key-係金a! 金鑰匙真的是金的



這產品對於那些電腦裡總有一堆見不得光資料的陳冠希人,可是一大福音阿!! 造型滿分的金鑰匙,可是型男美女必備超in小物喔!!

It plugs into your USB port and the built in software lets you encrypt the data on your PC or Laptop, as soon as you unplug the key from your PC or Laptop the data is inaccessible. What if you lose your GoldKey? If you also purchase a Goldkey “Master Key,” you can effectively create a backup locking system. The Master Key can duplicate the ability of your Goldkey to another. You can also use the Master Key to create a group of Goldkeys that can all unlock each others’ files.

文章來源:Geeky Gadgets

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