應該有許多人習慣利用百葉窗營造出自己私密的小空間,那麼我想這款由Yoon-Hui Kim以及Eun-Kyung Kim設計的太陽能百葉窗簾概念燈應該會大受歡迎。
分類: 看科技搞創意
Ikimono Camera-讓你的鑰匙圈也能夠自拍
黑! 這次小波許又逛到一個可愛又實用的小玩意– 超迷你照相機Ikimono Camera。
閱讀全文 Ikimono Camera-讓你的鑰匙圈也能夠自拍
The Stitch USB Humidifier-史迪奇保溼器又來摟!!
超可愛的USB保濕器來摟! 這次是日本高中女生最流行的史迪奇保濕器。
閱讀全文 The Stitch USB Humidifier-史迪奇保溼器又來摟!!
Dough-Nu-Matic rolls out mini doughnuts-迷你多拿滋! 好玩又好吃
一分鐘做Dounut! 好吃又好玩的Dough-Nu-Matic辦到了!這台全自動Dounut機從捏型、烤到出爐真的只要一分鐘,你就可以淋上自己想要的糖霜或糖漿並且享用你的Dounut饗宴。當然,你也可以去外面買現成的來吃,不過當你可以不費吹灰之力自己做熱騰騰香噴噴的甜甜圈時,你還會這麼想嗎?你所要做的就是把麵團放進去然後…坐著等就好啦!這台機器目前售價129.99美金,而且看起來!真的讓人食指大動!
Serve yourself up a piping hot doughnut in less than a minute! It’s almost as fun to watch the Dough-Nu-Matic as it is to eat the donuts! The Dough-Nu-Matic automatically forms, fries and drains delicious mini-doughnuts in under 60 seconds. After your donuts are finished top with your favorite sprinkles, frosting or powder! Sure you could just go to your local donut shop – but why?… when you can enjoy warm and delicious doughnuts at your fingertips! Just add dough, sit back and relax…. Dough-Nu-Matic’s on the job! It will retail for $129.99 and umm…Yummy!
Cafe Quelle 4Port USB Hub-喝咖啡配…usb hub??
Here are four stylish, new 4 port USB hubs from Sigma-Apo. Let’s define “stylish.” The idea here is a USB hub in the shape of a standard chocolate often provided with coffee.
I honestly would prefer a real chocolate over this thingy, but some people fancy these things. It measures 58x55x11mm at 30g.
什麼產品最有型有款?今天小波許又來介紹一款可愛又時尚的科技小物拉! 由sigma-Apo發表的Café Quelle usb hub,共有四個配色選擇。設計造型理念是來自於喝咖啡常搭配的巧克力。
不過老實說,我寧可要真正可以吃的巧克力,但總是有些人熱愛這些東西嘛!這小玩意體積58x55x11mm ,重量才30g呢!
小波許愛插嘴:我也比較想要可以吃的巧克力… 😳
還在用茶包泡茶嗎?don’t be old jerk!
It’s not a secret that many people like tea. Some of them even have certain traditions concerning tea drinking process. Yet, it doesn’t mean that no innovations are needed in this domain. People try to change everything in order to simplify their life. And that’s not an exception. A Chinese inventor Lee Yuen Qin designed tea “stick” – a new type of disposable tea bags. The production of this item is almost the same as that of usual tea bags, because materials used are similar. The only difference is its design. The main idea of Chinese designer consists in a will to combine two processes: brewing and stirring. But at the very beginning there was a serious problem – Lee Yuen Qin didn’t know what material this “stick” should be made of. In case it was soft, the stick wouldn’t be able to keep its shape. If it was too dense, no brewing would be possible. The solution for this problem was found unexpectedly – while designer was drinking coffee. He suddenly understood that a small plastic stick can be put inside the bag in order to prevent changes in its shape. After that Lee Yuen Qin patented his new invention. Now it’s prepared for the commercialization. It’s quite an interesting innovation, isn’t it? I think a lot of people will find it funny to use tea “sticks” instead of tea bags. Moreover, it seems that they are easier-to-use.
來自中國的發明家李秦元於是設計出「茶棒」- 一種新型的沖泡茶包,和大部分的茶包幾乎沒什麼兩樣,所用的材質幾乎一樣,唯一不同的地方就是他的造型拉。這個玩意的發想來自於設計師一開始想將攪拌和沖泡這兩個步驟融合在一起。
一開始,設計師就碰到了一樣難題,他不知道這支「茶棒」要用什麼材質製成,要是利用柔軟材質,棒子很容易會變形;若太過於稠密,茶就不容易泡開。最後的解答最令人意想不到,某日當設計師啜飲咖啡時,忽然發現塑膠攪拌棒可以放置在茶包內防止茶棒變形。設計師李秦元已經為這項發明申請專利拉,目前正在準備商品化。這真是一項有趣的發明,不是嗎? 我想當消費者發現他們可以使用茶棒而非茶包時,應該會會心一笑吧!除此之外,看起來似乎比傳統茶包更易上手使用呢!