Cafe Quelle 4Port USB Hub-喝咖啡配…usb hub??

Here are four stylish, new 4 port USB hubs from Sigma-Apo. Let’s define “stylish.” The idea here is a USB hub in the shape of a standard chocolate often provided with coffee.
I honestly would prefer a real chocolate over this thingy, but some people fancy these things. It measures 58x55x11mm at 30g.

什麼產品最有型有款?今天小波許又來介紹一款可愛又時尚的科技小物拉! 由sigma-Apo發表的Café Quelle usb hub,共有四個配色選擇。設計造型理念是來自於喝咖啡常搭配的巧克力。
不過老實說,我寧可要真正可以吃的巧克力,但總是有些人熱愛這些東西嘛!這小玩意體積58x55x11mm ,重量才30g呢!

小波許愛插嘴:我也比較想要可以吃的巧克力… 😳



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