自從Wii上市以來,終於可以讓整天窩在家的重度電玩迷們有運動的機會。日本的宅宅Ryo Katsuma最近做了個創舉,融合Google map 以及Wiimote (平衡板或手把皆可),讓你真的可以在「家」散步。
小波許碎唸:挖挖!這就是傳說中的小叮噹任意門嗎?請帶我去邁阿密找Wade簽名然後在帶我去摩洛哥和the painkiller相聚!!
Try to run on the google street view like a jogging game of wii fit from katsuma on Vimeo
How to run Tokyo-Jogging from katsuma on Vimeo
The days of gaming turning your body to jello due to lack of exercise ended with the advent of the Nintendo Wii. But now a new innovative mashup cooked up by Japanese coder Ryo Katsuma mixes Google Maps with the Wii Remote to create a virtual jogging or walking experience.
His mashup takes you on a tour throughout most of Tokyo, but it’s immediately clear that this mashup could be applied to any number of cities covered by Google Maps, making the world just a little smaller via virtual presence. You can find out how to create your own virtual jogging city mashup here.