

沒錯~就是橡皮擦USB隨身碟拉!整支都是真材實料的橡皮擦作成,可以一邊存檔案一邊擦錯字,非常適合…小學生?! 而且妙的是,當你的皮擦越擦越小,隨身碟的PCB版就會漸漸的嶄露頭角XD 雖然這產品真正的實用性可能有待商確,不過這算是小波許認為最近一年來最有創意的隨身碟產品拉!!

Nothing beats two items combined in one package, giving you one less thing to carry around. Especially when it’s done in a particularly clever way. That’s why this eraser flash drive is so great.
Yes, it’s a USB flash drive encased in an eraser. You can use the casing to erase errant pencil marks while also storing data on it, but here’s the catch: if you erase it all the way down, you’ll expose the innards of the drive. Yep, there’s no plastic casing around the insides, so you’ll reveal the board and chip of the drive if you erase all the way down. I’m not sure if this is a good thing or a bad thing, but it’s certainly an interesting twist on the idea of a flash drive



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